
Use our FREE golf swing analysis software to improve your golf swing as part of your membership!

If you’re going to practice your swing, you had better practice the right way! Spending countless hours on the driving range with no feedback other than ball flight is so 1980! Just kidding, but seriously, today’s feedback tools are numerous and some of them actually good!

There’s a ton of junk when it comes to training aids on the market, but if you sift through the junk you can occasionally find a diamond in the rough.

The RotarySwing.com SwingViewer Software

Golf swing analysis software is must for practicing these days, but it gets BRUTALLY EXPENSIVE. V1 Golf software costs $1695 for a single copy! I have no idea why it costs this much when you can buy cSwing for under $200 and it does the exact same thing!

But, why even spend $200 when the RotarySwing.com SwingViewer application is not only FREE with your membership, but it’s completely online. That means you don’t have to carry your laptop around with you with your over priced piece of software on it. You can use ANY computer and upload your swing ANY TIME.

You can draw all the same lines, compare swings side by side, step through frame by frame, play in slow motion, zoom in, the works!

To get access to your FREE GOLF SWING ANALYSIS software, visit http://www.RotarySwing.com and become a member today!

It may sound strange, but most golfers don’t understand how to learn. They spend all this time practicing on the driving range, pounding thousands of golf balls and never give a second of consideration as to whether or not they’re being productive.

By productive I mean, are you actually teaching your body and mind to learn something new or are you simply continuing to reinforce your old, bad habits? In most all cases, the latter is the case.

Learning, as far as the physiology of the brain is concerned, is a very specific process that I discussed here: Learning how to practice golf. Once you understand that process, you’re ready to actually start laying the ground work for lasting improvement in your golf swing.

There are three key things you can do to accelerate the learning process of whatever it is you are working on in your swing:

  1. Be your own coach
  2. Use feedback tools
  3. Use the “tricks”

Being Your Own Golf Coach

The simple fact of the matter is that no one spends more time with you than, well, YOU! That means, you know yourself better than anyone else and you spend more time working on your own golf swing. Because of this, you need to know what you’re doing and how to do. The only other option is to hire a golf swing coach to hang by your side on every single shot you hit.

Of course, that’s not practicle,  which means you better start educating yourself on the mechanics of the swing or you’ll have no idea what you’re doing.

Using Golf Training Aids

Let’s be honest, most golf training aids are junk. They were designed by some high handicapper as a way he thought would help him improve his own crappy golf swing. He then thought, “hey, I bet I can sell millions of these things!” Trust me, we get training aids sent to us every month to test, and the story is always the same.

Because of that, I’m extremely selective in the training aids that I use in my lessons and I never use or sell any training aid that I haven’t personally tested myself

That being said, there are several great golf training aids that I recommend such as the RotaryConnect, mirrors, camera’s, etc. That’s because these provide the kind of physical and visual feedback that helps accelerate the learning process.

Use the Tricks

Over the years, I’ve figured out hundreds of little tricks through years of teaching and experimenting with my own swing. These tricks help the golfer radically speed up the learning process and are something you’ll want to take advantage of.

If you really want to know how to improve your golf swing faster and how to practice, check out this great article and video on “3 Secrets to improving your golf swing faster“!

In this video I’m going to share of a student of mine, I’m going to show you that you can make big improvements on your golf swing even while practicing on the driving range. Now, for many of you who aren’t familiar with RotarySwing Tour (RST), you may be asking yourself, “Well, ya, where else would you practice your golf swing, the living room?” To which I would answer, YES!

You see, the RotarySwing.com online golf instruction system is built around how the brain learns new movement patterns and your brain doesn’t care whether you are hitting a golf ball on the driving range or an impact bag in your living room, that’s a big part of why it’s so effective for so many golfers.

But, at some point we have to get back on the driving range and hit that little white demon and transfer our skills and that’s what I’m showing you in this golf instruction video. Take a look at this older golfer who started out with a HORRIBLE golf swing, and in one session on the range went from topping the ball even while it was on a tee to smashing it and taking divots.

Let’s first look at his takeaway before we get to the full video:

Note the takeaway improvements after practicing on the driving range for only a few minutes using RotarySwing Tour.

After only a few minutes of working on the fundamentals from http://www.RotarySwing.com, his takeaway is radically different. As you’ll see in the video below, this golfer got the club going back in such a bad position so early in the golf swing that he had no shot of making a good downswing, so we tackled this first.

Now, I’ve seen golf students who have worked with so-called “top golf instructors” from all over the planet who have spent years trying to correct their takeaway like this, only to end up in the same positions they always do. This student was no different. Now, using the RotarySwing Tour fundamentals from the website, he was able to make dramatic changes on the driving range and apply them into his swing at full speed.

To see the rest of the amazing transformations this student made in only one hour of instruction on the driving range and how you too can make huge improvements, watch the free golf instruction video below:

When you’re ready to make huge changes and carry it over to the driving range, check out this article on how to practice your golf swing on the driving range.

Practicing at the Driving Range to Improve Your Golf Swing

Golf can be euphoric at times. The perfectly struck shot that flies long and straight at the flag is like few other feelings out there. By the same token, practicing your golf swing

That can be INFURIATING!!!!

How many of you have found that the more you practice, the WORSE you get! Nothing is more maddening than spending your free time pounding golf balls at the driving range and the only thing you get for your efforts is a sunburn.

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way!!

The good thing is that this cycle of practicing hard to only get worse doesn’t have to keep happening. There are only two things that cause this happen with your golf swing:

  1. Practicing the wrong things
  2. Not practicing the right way

That’s it! If you’re working on the wrong swing fundamentals, of course, you shouldn’t expect to improve. That’s up to you and your golf instruction system that you follow. But the second one is the one that most people don’t understand.

Not Practicing the Right Way

HOW you practice is just as important as WHAT you practice. No, I’m not talking about dividing up your practice time between short game and full swing. I’m talking about the actual learning process itself.

If You Want to Improve, You MUST Know How to Practice

This sounds obvious, but the reality is that actual learning process is quite a complex process. In fact, it is a biological process requiring a physiological change in your brain. This process is called myelination. Myelination is the buildup of a fatty insulator called myelin around the axon of a neuron.

The more times we repeat a task, the more our brain builds up this myelin, further reinforcing this pathway in our brain. This is why it can be so difficult to change our golf swing. You’ve been practicing your bad habits for years and each time you make the same faulty swing, you tell your brain to continue to reinforce that neural pathway!!!!

Here’s the Reality of Improving Your Golf Swing

The reality is that once you’ve build and reinforced this neural pathway through years and years of repetition, a lot of hard work is required to change this faulty movement pattern. The hard facts: It takes between 3000-5000 repetitions of the new correct movement you are seeking in your golf swing to override the existing movement pattern.

Armed with this fact, it is very important that you gear your practice sessions around this fact. If you’re not working toward your 3-5k reps, then you’re not really working on improving your golf swing, you’re simply working on grooving the bad habits you already have!

When you’re ready to really start improving your golf swing, check out this article that goes in depth on how to practice.

Author: Chuck Quinton is the founder of http://www.RotarySwing.com, the science based approach to the golf swing mechanics and learning process of improving your golf swing.